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life CTS TrypLE Select Enzyme

  • 更新時(shí)間:  2023-07-25
  • 產(chǎn)品型號:  A12859
  • 簡(jiǎn)單描述
  • life CTS TrypLE Select Enzyme

life CTS TrypLE Select Enzyme

Phenol Red Indicator:No Phenol Red
Classification:Animal Origin-Free
Enzyme Stability:Room Temperature Stable
Volume:100 ml
Concentrated:1 X
Culture Type:Adherent Cell Culture
Product Size:100 mL
Reagent Type:Trypsin Replacement
Endotoxin Level:Low
Green Features:Energy efficient, Sustainable packaging, Less hazardous
Shipping Condition:Room Temperature


Store at room temperature

life CTS TrypLE Select Enzyme


TrypLE? Select CTS?, a non-animal alternative for porcine Trypsin, is a recombinant enzyme derived from microbial fermentation. The GIBCO? CTS? product line enables you to reduce your burden in qualifying reagents during your transition from research applications to clinical applications.

?GIBCO? TrypLE? Select ? CTS? enables you to reduce your burden in qualifying reagents during your transition from research to clinical applications.
?Non-animal or human origin
?Reduced risk of viral or prion contamination
?Removal kinetics and recovery viability comparable to porcine trypsin
?Demonstration of activity on multiple cell lines, including strongly attached lines
?Stable at room temperature (15 to 30°C) for up to 6 months.
?Manufactured using dedicated, autoclaved or disposable equipment.

TrypLE? Select CTS?, a non-animal alternative for porcine Trypsin, is a recombinant enzyme derived from microbial fermentation. This material is used for the dissociation of attachment-dependent cell lines from plasticware. TrypLE Select has demonstrated the ability to dissociate cells cultured both in serum-free and serum supplemented systems. The product is provided as a 1X stock solution, formulated in DPBS with 1mM EDTA. The concentration of rProtease is proprietary to
Invitrogen Corp.

GIBCO? CTS? products are of high quality, and are supplied with harmonized documentation such as Certificates of Analysis, Certificates of Origin, and access to authorization letters for our Drug Master Files, as appropriate. The GIBCO? CTS? product line enables you to reduce your burden in qualifying reagents during your transition from research applications to clinical applications.

For Research Use or Manufacturing of Cell, Gene, or Tissue-Based Products. CAUTION: Not intended for direct administration into humans or animals



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